Embedded Project Tips

Whether it is a final year topic or some simple expo's, a project plays an important role in governing a person's subject knowledge relevant to that field.It also encourages one to show further interest in studies and encourages enthusiasm towards education and consequently research.

              Speaking of projects, the main topic typically chosen is Embedded System based projects,which is evidently the most used topic in projects,as it is very easy to understand as well as easier to afford parts and understand relevant knowledge of them. Thereby this post gives you in depth details of Embedded Projects.For detailed knowledge of Embedded system Click here to download files

                   Upon complete understanding of What Embedded System is,You will have a part of some concept or an idea running into your mind.To implement it into a product you need to have the main processing material either a Microcontroller or a Microprocessor or a Single Board Computer or a System-On-Chip or just a VLSI fabricated specialized boards.In this case VLSI fabricated boards and System-On-Chip are way to costly and requires Industrial guidance, but it will suit according to project needs and lack certain features for common needs.You cannot reuse that same processing part to other electronic projects so Microcontroller,Microprocessor and Single-board Computers and best for the ones to do their project in a cost effective manner.Most of these products are open sourced.Therefore you can design it yourself or alter as per your needs or study them.

 Main Features to be considered in selecting a processing part

Followings are the main point to consider before choosing a processing material for projects. To choose processing material one should consider following points :
  • The processing material should meet the computing requirement like speed of processing, ability of handle multiple tasks efficiently and effectively.
  • Cost also plays an important role to choose processing material. Because cost of per unit of each processing material also plays an important role in cost of product.
  • Software availability should be considered while choosing processing material.  Software tools like compilers, assemblers and simulators should be easily available.
  • Help resources should be available from manufacturer.
  • Online source code libraries and help forums should also available.
  • How many tasks you need to perform? Either you are performing multiple tasks or single task.
Upon consideration of the following cases let us look into some of the commonly used open-sourced hardware that are used in these kind of projects.

Microcontroller ICs

The most commonly used Microcontroller IC's for project are PIC(Microchip), AVR(Atmel), ARM, 8051(Atmel) as there are lots of support is provided and easy to code using standard C library.I personally recommend the above basic IC's which are sufficient for majority of projects.Those  involving heavy i/o and real-time workloads,please refer the Wikipedia link here for detailed list of ICs commonly available in market but support is generally very less on those IC's.

Single Board Computers

A single-board computer (SBC) is a complete computer built on a single circuit board, with microprocessor(s), memory, input/output(I/O) and other features required of a functional computer. Single-board computers were made as demonstration or development systems, for educational systems, or for use as embedded computer controllers. Many types of home computer or portable computer integrated all their functions onto a single printed circuit board. (Source Wiki)

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